Minor public works

A minor public works application is required when there are minor works planned within the road reserve (e.g road, footpath, nature strip or Council verge), including access to property and road openings for utility connections. Approval can be given under sec 138 of the Roads Act 1993. Where the work is planned on major roads Transport for NSW approval must be obtained.

  • If you are planning to build or move a driveway, complete the driveway section within the Minor Public Works application to receive approval for access to your property. A separate application is required for each driveway.
  • If you need to dig into the road reserve (e.g. road, footpath, nature strip, Council verge or footway) to connect to utilities such as gas, water, power, communications or stormwater connections, you must complete the road opening sections within the Minor Public works application to receive approval to open the road.
  • If you are completing both types of work, fill in all sections to have your works considered within the one application. Lodgement of a combined Driveway Crossing and Road Opening application will attract just one application fee.

For larger construction jobs i.e. installation of footpaths, street trees, major utility connection to new developments (where the work involves reinstatement of multiple assets) a Public Works Certificate is required.

If you are repairing an existing driveway to the same dimensions, you do not need to complete a Minor Public Works application, however you do need to comply with Council standards, linked at the bottom of this page.

If you need occupy Council's road reserve on a temporary basis, i.e storage compound, hoarding type A, B or C, crane or platform, ground anchors or shipping container, you need to fill out an application for a temporary structure or occupation of road reserve.


Approval to open a road, driveway, footpath or Council verge, to gain access to either build or move a driveway, or to connect to utilities, is made under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993.

Driveway application

If you are planning to build or move a driveway, you will need to complete the Driveway page of the application form to receive approval for access to your property.  The following documentation must be supplied with your application:

  • Site plan of the property with the proposed driveway marked up
  • Driveway profile from the road to the house, including showing the natural surface levels.

Allow approximately 21 days for your application to be processed.


Road opening application

If you are planning to dig into the road reserve to connect to utilities, you will need to complete the Road Opening pages within the application form. The following documentation must be supplied with your application.

  • Sketch or site plan indicating the location of the proposed works
  • Evidence that the contractor has adequate public liability insurance for $20 million
  • Traffic management plan, if applicable
  • Workers Compensation Insurance for the traffic management contractor, if applicable

For further advise of what to submit for the above applications, please contact our Customer Service Centre on 02 4921 0333, 8am-5pm, Monday to Friday and ask to speak to an Asset Technical Officer.

Please note all plans and supporting documentation need to be flattened (no layers), without security/protection and in pdf format. The preferred drafted plan size is A3.

Register or Sign in

To submit a Minor Public Works application you must be registered with Council's online services and sign in. Registration can take up to one business day to process. Fees will be calculated within the application form, and must be paid by Mastercard or VISA upon submission.

Register Sign in

In person

Approval to open a road, driveway, footpath or Council verge, to gain access to either build or move a driveway, or to connect to utilities, is made under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993.

Driveway application

If you are planning to build or move a driveway, you will need the following documentation to be submitted with your application to receive approval for access to your property:

  • Site plan of the property with the proposed driveway marked up
  • Driveway profile from the road to the house, including showing the natural surface levels.

Allow approximately 21 days for your application to be processed.

Road opening application

If you are planning to dig into the road reserve to connect to utilities, you will need the following documentation to be submitted with your application.

  • Sketch or site plan indicating the location of the proposed works
  • Evidence that the contractor has adequate public liability insurance for $20 million
  • Traffic management plan, if applicable
  • Workers Compensation Insurance for the traffic management contractor, if applicable

For further advise of what to submit for the above applications, please contact our Customer Service Centre on 02 4921 0333, 8am-5pm, Monday to Friday and ask to speak to a Asset Technical Officer.

Please note all plans and supporting documentation need to be flattened (no layers), without security/protection and in pdf format.  The preferred drafted plan size is A3.

Step 1.Pay

Fees will be calculated by Council staff and will be provided to you in writing, once we have received your application.

Step 2.Visit us

Once you have gathered your documentation, you are ready to lodge your application. Please visit our Customer Service Centre where staff can assist you.