Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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Property owners can register with us to view their rate account payment history and other property related information.
With our online services account you can:
Please note that your registration is not instant. You will be notified via email when you are able to start using the system.
We recommend that when registering on behalf of a company, you use a generic email address, for example enquiries@mycompany.com.au. All electronic correspondence will be sent to this email address.
No, you need to register to receive your rates by email.
No, only the property owner(s) can register to view the rate payment information for their property as the registration is linked to their account only.
A ratepayer can give permission for a person or organisation to access information about their rates account by submitting an authority to act on a rate account form.
Your username will appear on the top right hand corner of the system.
Sign in
Once you have logged in using your username and password, an option of change password will be available near the top of the page.
Click the link and you will be presented with a screen to enter your current password, your new password and confirm your new password. Click OK, and your password will be changed.
Unfortunately, there is no option to change your username. You will need to register again and when you have submitted the request, we will complete the registration and disable your old username.
Yes, a registered user can only view payment information for current owned properties.
As a registered user, you can check your registered details when you're signed in by viewing your profile near the top of the page.
You can update the postal address your rates are sent to or notify us of a name change online.
You can also update your email or phone number associated with your online services account.
Register to view your rates history and details
Already registered?
Sign in to view your rates account payment history
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