Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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If you own property in Lake Macquarie and you've moved house, have a managing agent, or changed a business address, it's important to advise us of any change to your postal address for your rates notice.
If you currently receive rates notice by email, changing your postal address will not alter how you receive them. They'll still be emailed to you at the email address you've provided for e-notices.
If you're acting on behalf of the property owner, like a Company Director or with Power of Attorney, you can apply too. Just provide evidence of authority such as a copy of an ASIC statement which shows the current directors, legal representative documentation or Power of Attorney.
Please ensure that if there is more than one owner of the property, all owners have been notified and give their consent to the proposed change(s) of postal address. Rates notices can only be delivered to a single postal address for all owners.
Please note we can’t change your postal address over the phone.
If you're a managing agent and need to update the postal address for up to six properties, please fill out the below form.
It's important to note that all property owners and new address details must be the same for the changes to take effect. Make sure all owners have been informed and agree to the proposed address change.
Rates notice can only be delivered to a single postal address for all owners. If the property owner is currently receiving their rates notices by email, delivery by post is not available. To ensure your agency receives a copy of the rates notice, we suggest you ask the property owner if they receive their rates by email as they can log into their account and add your agency's email address. That way, you'll also get an electronic copy of the rates notice. We are unable to manage this on their behalf.
If you need to update the mailing address of more than six properties, please email council with a spreadsheet providing a list of the property addresses, owners names and new postal address.
If you don't need to change the rates notice address but require authority to receive/collect property-related information to pay rates on behalf of the property owner(s), please ask the property owner to complete the authority to act form, granting you permission to act on their behalf.
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