Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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Only the property owner or their authorised representative is eligible to use this application to make changes to the waste services for their property.
The application for commercial waste services offers additional kerbside general waste, green waste and recycling services for commercial properties.
This commercial waste services application can be used to:
Up-front payment by credit card is required for garbage bin purchased and recycling bin swaps. A 0.6 per cent transaction processing fee is applicable on all credit card transactions.
If you choose an additional 240L garbage service, an additional bin will need to be presented at the kerbside for collection. You can opt to purchase a new 240L garbage bin from Council and have it delivered to your property. Alternatively, you can choose to purchase and pick up a bin directly from Council's Works Depot at Creek Reserve Road, Boolaroo - you can pay for the bin at the Works Depot when you pick it up - or purchase it from your local hardware store.
Bin purchase costs will be charged in accordance with our Fees and Charges.
660L, 1100L, 1.5m3 and 3m3
Council will inspect the location and advice on bin sizes and serviceability. The assessment will include bin storage and security, ability for you to maneuver the bin to and from kerbside or roadway for servicing, accessibility for collection at the kerb, contamination potential and accessibility for collection.
*For additional general waste services larger than the 240L size, Council provides the bin at no cost to the applicant.
Apply online
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To order an additional commercial waste service, use the application form or call our Customer Service Centre, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm, on 02 4921 0333.
Property owners can cancel their additional commercial garbage, recycling or green waste services if they are no longer required. Please use the online Commercial Waste Service application to cancel services you no longer require.