Circular Economy

circular economy

We're leading the way with our Circular Economy Policy and Framework(PDF, 8MB) the first of its kind by a council in Australia. This places the City and the wider Hunter region in a great position in the midst of the global shift to a Circular Economy that is aiming to:

  • Design out waste and pollution
  • Keep products and materials in use at their highest possible value
  • Regenerate natural systems.

Applying our Circular Economy principles will provide a way for us to build greater resilience within our businesses and communities and aligns to our focus on innovation and thought leadership.

Circular Economy projects

Pearson Street Mall and Council's Landcare office

Charlestown’s Pearson Street Mall underwent a dramatic transformation in 2020, turning an underutilised area into an active and creative space where people come to eat, meet, work and play.

Thousands of pavers lifted during the refurbishment of the mall are getting a new lease on life at Council’s Landcare headquarters, rather than being thrown away or crushed.

By looking at reusing building materials wherever possible, we reduce demand for virgin materials and keep what would otherwise be considered waste out of landfill.

Low carbon road project

In conjunction with Hunter Water, Edge Environment and Sustainability Advantage, our low carbon road project is exploring different materials we may be able to use in our roads.

From a carbon, water intensity and ecotoxicity perspective,  glass, tyres, fly ash, toner, plastic and recycled concrete may be possible solutions.

Our decision-making tool, co-funded by Hunter Water and the NSW Government, sheds better light on the impacts of materials used when building new roads.


LCA comparison roads tool(XLSM, 892KB)

For more information, see Edge Environment's report on the use of recycled materials in roads(PDF, 849KB).