Redhead Community Library, bunjibanyal

Redhead Community Library

Please note this venue is managed by community volunteers. To find out more information or to make a booking, please contact the organisation directly on 0499 597 778 or by email.

About Redhead Community Library, bunjibanyal

The word bunjibanyal means “sunrise” in Awabakal and refers to the easternmost point of the area. bunjibanyal is also the cultural name given to Redhead Community Library.

You can listen to the cultural name of the venue in the player below.


Dhumaan ngayin ngarrakalu kirraanan barayidin

We remember and respect the Ancestors who cared for and nurtured this Country.

Ngarrakalumba yuludaka bibayilin barayida baaduka

It is in their footsteps that we travel these lands and waters.

Lake Macquarie City Council dhumaan Awabakala ngarrakal yalawaa, yalawan, yalawanan

Lake Macquarie City Council acknowledges the Awabakal people and Elders past, present and future.

Cultural information provided by Miromaa Aboriginal Language and Technology Centre.


16 Hutchinson Street, Redhead 2290  View in Google Maps

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