Landcare and Sustainable Living Centre, umali barai-ku

New Landcare HQ January 2023-1.jpg

Located on the shores of Lake Macquarie in Awabakal Country, the Landcare and Sustainable Living Centre, umali barai-ku (‘To do for the earth’ in Awabakal language) is a state-of-the-art facility that educates, engages and inspires the Lake Mac community to take action on environmental and sustainability issues.

It’s a space for the delivery of inspiring sustainable living and environmental programs, events and initiatives to our community. The centre is a community hub and meeting place for a number of the city’s environmental and sustainability community groups, including one of the largest Landcare volunteer networks in Australia. 

The centre offers:

  • A large, modern community gathering space (100m2)
  • Wi-Fi connectivity
  • Meeting space for community members
  • Modern office space
  • Rainwater harvesting and solar capture systems
  • Covered outdoor learning area (COLA)
  • Landcare plant nursery
  • Community garden
  • EV chargers

The centre showcases best-practice sustainable building practices and materials, including:

  • Rainwater harvesting system
  • Solar panels
  • Green wall for managing building temperature
  • Local endemic species used in landscaping
  • Louvres, fans, inverted truss ceiling and insulation to reduce energy consumption
  • Recycled pavers reused in office area
  • Stormwater filtered through wetland before returning to lake

The site is ideally placed, linking into existing roads, public transport and cycle way infrastructure. The site features accessibility elements including an entrance ramp to level access, accessible public toilets and accessible parking.

Facility hire

The community meeting room and gathering space is available for external hire for bookings that align with the facilities goals to educate, engage and inspire environmental sustainability.

To apply to hire the community meeting room, please read the hiring guidelines and complete the online form.

About Landcare and Sustainable Living Centre, umali barai-ku

The words umali barai-ku translates to ‘to do for the earth’ in Awabakal and is a reflection of the important work we do at the Landcare and Sustainable Living Centre. It is also the cultural name given to the centre and helps to embed the stewardship of the land within Aboriginal cultures and the application of this principle by Landcare and Sustainable Neighbourhoods groups.

You can listen to the cultural name of the venue in the player below.


Dhumaan ngayin ngarrakalu kirraanan barayidin

We remember and respect the Ancestors who cared for and nurtured this Country.

Ngarrakalumba yuludaka bibayilin barayida baaduka

It is in their footsteps that we travel these lands and waters.

Lake Macquarie City Council dhumaan Awabakala ngarrakal yalawaa, yalawan, yalawanan

Lake Macquarie City Council acknowledges the Awabakal people and Elders past, present and future.

Cultural information provided by Miromaa Aboriginal Language and Technology Centre.


80 Toronto Road, Booragul 2284  View in Google Maps

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