Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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If your strata complex has three or more units, the complex can select one of seven waste packages.
Please check with your Strata Manager or Body Corporate about which package your complex has selected before ordering bins, as each strata complex is able to select only one type of package.
140L and 240L garbage bins can be purchased online, for a fee. by calling our Customer Service Centre on 4921 0333.
Once payment has been received, bin delivery will be arranged.
Alternatively, if you do not wish to pay a delivery fee, you can collect your bin from our Works Depot, 18-32 Creek Reserve Road, Boolaroo. To ensure bins are in stock, please call us on 4921 0333 prior to collection. We can also remove your old 240L bin if requested.
140L and 240L garbage bins can be purchased, for a fee. by calling our Customer Service Centre on 4921 0333.
If you choose to purchase your 140L or 240L garbage bin from a supplier other than Council, you will need to ensure it meets the following specifications:
Bins that don't meet the specifications may not be emptied due to the capability of the garbage truck.
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If your complex changes to an upsize, downsize or shared waste package, a delivery fee per complex will be charged to deliver new bins and remove extra bins.
Council will send an invoice to the person who signed the Waste Package Request form on behalf of the complex.