Additional green waste services for the maintenance of Council land

One additional domestic residential green waste service may be granted to an individual who elects to maintain a parcel of Council-owned or Council-managed land where the activity is consistent with Councils objectives for the land. Individuals are required to complete the application form in accordance with the program guidelines to be eligible for the financial subsidy.

A green waste service financial subsidy can be granted for a period of up to two financial years. Residents can reapply for the donation once this timeframe has ended. Permission from the relevant section of Council (landowner) will need to accompany an application.

Reimbursement for any Council fee or charge relating to the disposal of waste at any of Council’s Waste Management Facilities will not be considered under this program.

By accepting the financial subsidy, each resident acknowledges that maintenance of the additional area is at their discretion and does not entitle the individual to any further benefits or preferable treatment by Council.

Applications for this financial subsidy are determined by the Lake Macquarie Council’s Chief Executive Officer’s nominated delegate.

Staff will undertake internal consultation to assess the parcel of land nominated and then make recommendations for the consideration of the application.

Applications are welcome throughout the year.

Approved services will commence approximately two to four weeks following application. Please note, Council does not mow residential footpaths. Property owners and occupiers are responsible for mowing the grassed footpaths and nature strips in front and beside of private, commercial and industrial properties. Council relies on the goodwill of residents and businesses to maintain their footpaths and nature strips, as this means ratepayer funds can be better directed to other services.


Step 1.Eligibility

  • Eligible applicants: Individuals who maintain a parcel of Council-owned or Council-managed land and live at a nearby property may be eligible.
  • Ineligible applicants: commercial groups or organisations, professional sporting teams, not-for-profit groups and organisations, government organisations and government-funded organisations, educational organisations and associated groups (e.g. Parent and Citizens Associations)
  • Ineligible activities: activities which are not consistent with Council’s management objectives for that land; reimbursement of fees or charges; conversion of any approved donated value into monetary amounts or any other value.
  • Ineligible land: nature strips in front of and beside properties; commercial and industrial properties; land outside of Lake Macquarie City Council area
  • Ineligible applications: Applications from properties that already have one donated additional weekly green waste bin; applications from properties that do not pay a domestic waste service charge; application form not completed in accordance with the program guidelines.

Additional information is available in the Council's funding assistance policy(PDF, 551KB) .

Step 2.Gather your documents

Applications made by tenants need a letter of consent by the property owner, confirming the property address.

For further advice on what to submit, contact our Customer Service Centre on 02 4921 0333, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm, ask to speak to the Waste Services team.

Step 3.Apply

Once you have determined that you are eligible and have the associated documents, you may apply online. You'll need to upload electronic versions of the required documentation in order to complete your application.

In person