Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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Get three or more houses in your street to hold a garage sale on the same day and we will:
You will also receive a free electronic participant pack that includes resources to help you organise, promote and evaluate your event, which includes a:
You'll need to get a couple of your neighbours together to host a Super Street Sale. There's no cap on how many households can participate. Need help getting people in your street to join in? Download our invitation(PDF, 2MB), fill in your details and drop in the letterboxes in your street.
Once you've got your neighbours together, you can register your Super Street Sale online. You'll need to register by 5pm on the Friday two weeks before your event. You'll also need to provide the street address and email of all participating households to complete the registration form.
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Super Street Sale is a NSW EPA Waste Less Recycle More initiative funded by the waste levy.
It's a good idea to check your proposed event date doesn't conflict with holidays or special events in your areas that may compete for attendance. Garage sales typically start in the morning, between 7-8am, and run for four to five hours.
We'll send you a survey following your event so you can provide feedback about the program.