Access to information

Lake Macquarie City Council is committed to open, accountable and transparent government through the timely release of Council held information that is of interest to our community.


Step 1.Search online

Search our website to locate the information you need.

Step 2.Ask us

If you can't find the information you're looking for on our website, contact our Customer Service Centre, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm, on 4921 0333 or email and we can advise whether the information you require is:

  • open access information that is readily available. If it is, we'll advise where and how you can access the information.
  • can be disclosed to you through informal release. For example, where no third party personal information is involved.
  • requires a formal access application. For example, when consultation with a third party is required.

Council has an online application tracking tool that enables documentation to be accessed online for development applications and construction certificates.

Access application process

Lake Macquarie City Council provides access to information in accordance with the Government Information (Public Access) Act (GIPA) 2009. The GIPA Act aims to make a wide variety of Council information available to all sectors of the community unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure.

The GIPA Act, defines "government information" as information contained in a record held by an agency.

Council has a responsibility to process an application as soon as possible and provide you with a decision within 20 working days after the application is received. This period may be extended further by 15 days if special circumstances apply, such as the need to consult with a third party or when records need to be retrieved from archives.

If an application concerns the personal or business affairs of a third party, Council is required to take reasonable steps to consult with the third party to obtain their views. When making a decision Council must take into account any views offered by the third party.

Processing fees may apply for locating information, consultation and decision-making. However, if your application relates to your personal affairs, you are entitled to up to 20 hours of free processing time.

If you are denied access to information or are aggrieved by Council's decision, you are entitled to apply for a review of the decision. There are three options available:

  • internal review
  • external review by the Information Commissioner
  • external review by the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal