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Persons wishing to place park furniture on community land may, with the approval of Council do so as a donation. Approval to place park furniture on community land, is made under the Councils Donation of Park Furniture policy, which prescribes those donations benefiting residents and visitors of Lake Macquarie may include a commemorative plaque memorialising deceased people, culture, history and events.
The application and approval process is subject to compliance with councils Donations of Park Furniture Policy(PDF, 535KB)
As part of the application, you will need to provide a photo and/or sketch of the preferred location.
A review of the applications conditions, as outlined in conditions for park furniture donations(PDF, 294KB), will help avoid additional information requests, and will help ensure an efficient and smooth process.
For further advice relating to park furniture donations, contact our Customer Service Centre on 02 4921 0333, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm, and ask to speak with Parks Management officer.
Fees will be calculated by Council staff and provided to you in writing, once we've have approved your application for Park Furniture Donation.
Once you have reviewed the conditions of application and gathered your documents, you can apply online for a Park Furniture Donation. You'll need to upload electronic versions of the required documentation into order to complete your application.
The application and approval process is subject to compliance with councils Donations of Park Furniture Policy(PDF, 535KB) .
A review of the applications conditions, as outlined in conditions for park furniture donations(PDF, 294KB) , will help avoid additional information requests, and will help ensure an efficient and smooth process.
Fees will be calculated by Council staff and provided to you in writing, once we've have approved your application for Park Furniture Donation .
Once you have reviewed the conditions of the application and gathered your documents, visit our Customer Service Centre who can assist you in completing the application online.
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