Apply for a free MLAK key

A limited number of Master Locksmith Access Keys (MLAK) are available from Council to eligible Lake Macquarie residents at no cost.

MLAK is a universal lock and key system that allows people with a disability access to public facilities 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including wheelchair accessible toilets and Liberty swings.

The MLAK system restricts usage to eligible persons and organisations. The system is supported and promoted by major disability groups throughout Australia as a means of ensuring people with disabilities have access to toilet facilities.

Check the National Public Toilet Map for MLAK locations. We are continuing to implement the MLAK system to some of our amenities.

Applications are restricted to people with disability living in Lake Macquarie City, limit one key per applicant. The key is not transferable and is only to be used by the person to whom it has been issued.

Aged and disability organisations/services who assist eligible residents living in Lake Macquarie City can apply for an MLAK for attending events and activities in Lake Macquarie City. Multiple keys will be considered on application.

Organisations/services are encouraged to assist eligible residents to apply for individual keys.


Step 1.Gather your documents

To show that you are a person with disability living in Lake Macquarie and therefore eligible to apply for a free Master Locksmith Access Key (MLAK), you will need to submit one of the following with your application:

  • Mobility Parking Permit
  • Disability Card or similar
  • Letter from your doctor
  • Letter from a disability organisation

If you are an organisation requesting a MLAK, you will need to submit a letter to prove you are a registered aged care or disability care organisation.

You will also be required to verify your residential address by submitting a Driver's licence, utility account or statement.

In person