Lead Mitigation Grants

The Lead Mitigation Grant Program provides funding to eligible households that have been impacted by lead contamination from the former Pasminco Cockle Creek Smelter. 

The Pasminco site operated for more than a century in Boolaroo. During this time, airborne pollution resulted in soil contamination in surrounding areas, including lead and other heavy metals.  

Remediation work has occurred since the smelter closed in 2003, but some soil in the area remains contaminated or potentially contaminated. 

Led by the NSW Environment Protection Agency, the Lead Mitigation Grant Program can help with the cost of lead remediation and mitigation activities.

Lead Mitigation Grant - Round 6 closed

Applications for round 6 are closed. 

Applications for Round 7 will open 9am Monday 5 May and close 5pm Monday 2 June 2025.

Take a moment to familiarise yourself with the lead mitigation grant guidelines(PDF, 3MB) and check Council's lead mitigation grant decision tool to ensure you are eligible. The guidelines provide clear information about what activities will be eligible for funding and how applications will be prioritised. For more information on the Lead Mitigation Grant Program please refer to the FAQ section below.

Drop-in sessions

Council will hold free drop-in sessions in each round for community members to ask questions about the program and their eligibility for support. Council's Sustainability Engagement Officer (Land Contamination) will be available to answer questions and assist with grant applications. Please check back regularly for updates or contact Council's Sustainability Engagement Officer for more information.

Applications for raised garden bed grants are now open

Residents of the Lead Abatement Strategy (LAS) area(PDF, 326KB) are eligible for the raised garden bed grant program. Take a moment to familiarise yourself with the raised garden bed grant guidelines (PDF, 337KB)(PDF, 337KB)  to ensure you are eligible. The guidelines provide clear information about what activities will be eligible for funding and how applications will be prioritised. For more information on the Lead Mitigation Grant Program please refer to the FAQ section below.

The raised garden bed grants are open from 1 September 2023 until 30 June 2026.

Apply now

Applications for acute health risk grants are now open

Take a moment to familiarise yourself with the acute health risk grant guidelines (PDF, 2MB) and check Council's lead mitigation grant decision tool to ensure you are eligible. 

The guidelines provide clear information about what activities will be eligible for funding and how applications will be prioritised. For more information on the Lead Mitigation Grant Program please refer to the FAQ section below.

Applications are now open. The acute health risk grants are open from 1 September 2023 until 30 June 2026. 

Apply now

For more information or assistance with an application email Council’s Sustainability Engagement Officer or phone 02 4921 0333

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) testing

XRF testing is conducted free of charge by appropriately licenced Council staff.

XRF testing provides an estimate of lead in soil and should be treated as an indication only. XRF testing does not replace the requirement for lead in soil testing by a suitably qualified contaminated land consultant.

Please note XRF testing is prioritised for residents of the LAS area. If you reside outside the LAS area and have concerns about lead contamination at the property you live at, please contact Council’s Sustainability Engagement Officer (Land Contamination) for further advice. 

Apply now



Application forms

Lead Mitigation Grants Round 6

How to apply

Round 6 is now closed. Applications for Round 7 will open 9am Monday 5 May and close 5pm Monday 2 June 2025. Please check back regularly for updates or contact Council's Sustainability Engagement Officer for more information.

Take a moment to familiarise yourself with the grant guidelines(PDF, 3MB) and the lead mitigation grant decision tool to ensure you are eligible. The guidelines provide clear information about what activities will be eligible for funding and how applications will be prioritised. For more information on the Lead Mitigation Grant Program please refer to the FAQ section above.

2018-2022 Grants

Raised Garden Bed Grants

Acute Health Risk Grant

Need help with your application?

Contact Council's Sustainability Engagement Officer on 02 4921 0333 or email leadgrants@lakemac.nsw.gov.au to discuss.