Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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A Notice of Work (NoW) specifies plumbing and drainage work to be carried out.
By law, plumbers and drainers must submit a NoW before starting work, except in some cirecumstances, for example, in the case of emergency work or minor works where the location of fixtures does not change.
Download and complete the Notice of Work available from the NSW Fair Trading website
A fee will be payable upon submission of your Notice of Work. There are two types of fees:
You may be charged for any additional inspections.
Submit your completed Notice of Work online using Council's Online Services.
Submit it
Make out a cheque for the correct amount to Lake Macquarie City Council and send it, along with your completed Notice of Work, to Lake Macquarie City Council, Box 1906, HRMC, NSW, 2310. You may be charged for any additional inspections required.
Submit your completed Notice of Work to us at our Customer Service Centre, 126-138 Main Road, Speers Point.
A fee will be payable on submission of your Notice of Work. Our Customer Service Centre accepts cash and EFTPOS payments.
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