Install, alter or operate an onsite sewage management system

Installation, alteration or construction of waste treatment devices requires approval by Council. 


Step 1.Talk to us

Please contact Council's Environmental Health Officers before submitting an application to discuss any issues specific to your application. You can reach our Environmental Health Officers through our Customer Service Centre by calling 02 4921 0333.

Step 2.Gather your documents

You'll need to submit the following documents alongside your application:

  • A detailed site plan drawn to scale 1:200 or larger. The site plan must indicate the location of tanks, draw off pipes for pump out systems and disposal areas with relevant dimensions from boundaries, dwellings and watercourses for onsite disposal.
  • A dwelling floor plan indicating the number of bedrooms.
  • System specification and NSW Health accreditation documents for all septic tanks and collection wells.
  • Owners of systems with onsite effluent disposal will also need to submit plans and specifications detailing the design of their effluent disposal system including the type and size. Specifications must include scale drawings of location and spacing of any distribution and irrigation lines and any associated fittings including filters, flush valves, vacuum breakers, indexing valves and sprinklers.
  • Owners of systems with onsite effluent disposal are also required to submit a site-specific assessment report from a qualified Environmental Consultant
  • If the application is lodged by a person other than the owner, written consent from the owner, including their full name and contact details, must also be included with the application.
  • Owners of pump out systems are required to engage in their own service contractor for regular pumping out of wastewater from the collection well. Service contractor details are required to be submitted as part of this application.

Step 3.Apply

Complete your Application to install and operate and onsite sewage management system online

Application fees are payable at the time of lodgement.

Apply online


In person