Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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The Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 (the Regulation) requires Annual Fire Safety Statements to be submitted to Council, certifying all of the essential fire safety measures installed in the building/premises. The NSW Government introduced reforms through the Regulation to strengthen fire safety certification for new and existing buildings.
Fire safety reform information have been developed to assist owners and practitioners with the requirements.
Where an annual fire safety statement cannot be submitted due to legitimate unanticipated circumstances, Council will consider an application to extend the due date for the statement submission.
Council is unlikely to grant any extension of time in the event of poor compliance behaviour and/or where development type work is proposed to be carried out.
It should be noted that fire safety measures are to be maintained whether the building is occupied or vacant.
For further information on the recent changes, please refer to the NSW Planning & Environment or contact our Customer Service Centre on 02 4921 0333, Monday-Friday, 8am to 5pm.
Visit our Customer Service Centre where our team can assist you in completing the application online.
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