Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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Residential development plans are subject to development contributions under Section 7.11 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
If you need a development contribution fee estimate for a residential development, you can enquire online.
If a contribution is required, we will confirm the fees payable upon determination of the application.
The consent authority or certifying authority will include as a condition of development consent or complying development certificate requiring the contribution. This condition will advise when the contribution needs to be paid.
Before submitting your application, you need to have the following information handy:
Please note: the above information is to generate a contribution fee estimate only, Development Consent is not implied. Other advice regarding permissibility, land zoning and LEP/DCP/legislative compliance is required prior to submitting any request for fess estimate or future Development Application/Complying Development Certificate. For further advice on what to submit, please contact Customer Service Centre on 02 4921 0333, 8am-5pm Monday to Friday.
Once you have gathered all the information above, you can request a fee estimation online.
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