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If you're planning to build or renovate, it's likely you'll need to submit a Development Application (DA) to gain consent from Council. A DA is a formal request for consent to carry out a proposed development, such as:
Your DA must be approved before work can begin on your development.
To apply for a Development Application online, you must be registered or log in via the NSW Planning Portal.
You can apply for Construction Certificates, Subdivision Certificates and Occupation Certificates as part of the Development Application process.
Register or log in
The type of information that accompanies a Development Application will vary depending on your proposal and site. This may include:
Your Development Application should address all relevant matters, up-front, in your Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) and plans and reports. This will help to avoid additional information requests, and will help to ensure an efficient and smooth process.
A range of plans and documents, as outlined in Schedule 1 of the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, must be submitted with your application. The specific plans and documents will vary depending on your development.
Once you have all the required documentation, you're ready to lodge your Development Application. You'll need to upload electronic versions of the required documentation in order to complete you application.
Lodge a Development Application
Lodgement fees will be calculated by Council staff and provided to you in writing after we've received your Development Application.
Your Development Application will not be determined until all outstanding fees have been paid.
Make a payment
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For advice on Development Applications, contact us on 4921 0333.
If you are having difficulty using the NSW Planning Portal, please refer to the quick reference guides or contact ServiceNSW on 1300 305 695.
Some types of development do not require approval from Council.
For more information on exempt and complying developments, refer to the:
You can apply for a Construction Certificate alongside your Development Application, or after your Development Application has been determined.