Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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This map provides a view of all full and partial closures of council owned roads due to roadworks, emergencies or events that impact traffic conditions across Lake Macquarie City.
For live updates on local traffic conditions across the region, visit Live Traffic NSW.
You can find out more about major projects in Newcastle and surrounds, and potential impacts at Transport for NSW.
Closure type: Road: closed to public (emergency services access provided)Reason: Road works
Roadwork in Frederick Street Charlestown will be undertaken from 6pm Thursday NIGHT 13th March, 2025 until 5am Friday morning 14th March, 2025. Work is expected to take 1 shift only, and will involve profiling and asphalt patching from the Pacific Highway to Milson Street. Detours will be in place via Dudley Rd > James St > Moto St > Milson St. Emergency and bus services will still be able to pass through the site if necessary.
Closure type: Road: Partial - delays expectedReason: Road works
Council is conducting works to strengthen the existing culvert and performing minor road reconstruction to Marmong Street at Marmong Point. Efforts are being made to ensure the work won’t affect bus routes or major traffic, and temporary light signals will manage the flow of vehicles. For further enquiries please contact Aaron Nillesen (Project Manager) on 4921 0333
Road rehabilitation and new stormwater infrastructure.
Closure type: Road: FullReason: Other
Land slip creating potential of road failure
Closure type: Road: Partial - delays expectedReason: Other
Lane closed and speed reduction in place
Closure type: Road: FullReason: Obstacle on road
Road is closed between 19 -23 Beach Road Wangi Wangi due to landslip affecting road. Extended wet weather and declared natural disaster events in the period between March and July 2022 has damaged public infrastructure at a number of locations throughout Lake Macquarie. Beach Road at Wangi Wangi was damaged during a landslip in April 2022. The road has been closed at the landslip site and detours are in place to direct traffic along Lake View Road. Access is still available for local residents on Beach Road to access their properties. Council is in the process of gaining the appropriate planning approvals and procuring a contractor to complete the construction works. Construction is expected to begin mid-2025 and completed by January 2026. Residents will be advised prior to the commencement of works
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