Add an entry to the community noticeboard (show below) This form is used to submit an entry for consideration to list on the community noticeboard for service providers. Find out more
Apply for a free MLAK key (show below) Eligible Lake Macquarie residents can apply for a Master Locksmith Access Key (MLAK), free of charge Find out more
Cemeteries search (show below) Search individuals interred or memorialised at our cemeteries Find out more
Educational tours (show below) We offer a range of exciting, accessible and curriculum aligned educational experiences across our arts and culture venues and Organics Resource Recovery facility Find out more
Fireworks notification (show below) If you're planning to use fireworks, you must notify Council and SafeWork NSW seven days prior to your fireworks display Find out more
Road closures (show below) Find out about temporary road closures due to roadworks, emergencies or events that impact traffic conditions across our city Find out more
Sight distance (show below) Obstructions to traffic sight distance can create hazards for pedestrians and other road users, as well as drivers Find out more
Youth Council (show below) The Lake Macquarie Youth Council (LMYC) provides an important opportunity for young people to have input into Council decisions Find out more
Youth Week acquittal form (show below) The grant acquittal form is where you tell us how you spent your grant and what the outcomes of your funded activity were. Find out more