Mobile vending

Mobile vending vehicles are any means of transport designed to be moveable from place to place which sell a good or service.

They include vehicles, trailers, caravans, carts, wagons or similar used for:

  • on-site food preparation (for example, hamburgers, hot dogs and kebabs)
  • one-step food preparation (for example, popcorn, fairy floss, coffee and squeezing juices)
  • the sale of any type of food including packaged food
  • the sale of any type of service or product
  • information centres
  • direct community services


Step 1.Assess

If you wish to operate a mobile vending vehicle which sells food or drink products in Lake Macquarie, please use this Mobile Food Vending Assessment Tool to determine which approvals you will require.

Mobile food vending assessment tool

Step 2.Gather your information

A range of information is required to be submitted with your application, these include:
  • copy of registered charity approval if applying for a fee exemption
  • the company's Australian Business Number (ABN) or Australian Company Number (ACN). To find your company's ABN or ACN, you can visit Australian Business Register
  • Certificate of Currency for Pubic Liability Insurance for $20 million with Lake Macquarie City Council listed as an interested party
  • vehicle registration.
If you are intending to sell food or drink products, you will also need to provide the following:
  • copy of Food safety supervisor certificate
  • copy of the mobile food inspection reports, if already issued by another council.
If you are trading on private land, you will also need to provide the following:
  • written consent from the property owner
  • detailed site plan showing location of proposed setup in relation to utility services (contact Dial Before You Dig) and location of trees or property
  • written confirmation that the activity does not contravene existing DA consent
  • details of wastewater disposal such as Hunter Water Trade Waste Agreement

For further advice on what to submit, please contact our Customer Service Centre on 02 4921 0333, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm.

Step 3.Pay

Fees are calculated according to Council's fees and charges.

Step 4.Apply

Once you have gathered your documents, you can apply online for a Mobile Registration. You'll need to upload electronic versions of the required documentation in order to complete your application.

Register for a Food vehicle inspection, Trade on private land or Trade at events Application to trade on community land

In person
