Rathmines Park upgrade

Rathmines Park and foreshore redevelopment February 2024-8.jpg

Rathmines Park is undergoing a dramatic transformation, with upgrade works to construct a youth hub and new playground underway as of 5 February 2024.

In 2020, we adopted a master plan to guide future upgrades of the park.

The project will include:

  • youth hub incorporating a skate park, pump truck and multi-court
  • playground upgrade including learn to ride area
  • exercise stations
  • seating and sheltered areas
  • accessible toilet
  • pathways.

The project is funded by the NSW Government through the Everyone Can Play and Resources for Regions grant programs, as well as development contributions.

Latest news

Works to revolutionise Rathmines Park as a haven for youth is on track with industry leaders appointed to tackle the skate park and pump track.

Lead contractor, Toronto based Matt Brown Building, has appointed Convic and Velosolutions to head up these key components.

A global leader in skate park and youth space solutions, Convic has created more than 800 action sports facilities around the world.

Velosolutions is world-renowned in pump track design, constructing 700 facilities spanning 50 countries, comprising 48 kilometres of track.

Council partnered with Velosolutions to construct the popular Redhead Pump Track - Lake Macquarie's first facility of this kind.

Both heavyweights are on site and getting down to work on their respective builds.

The playground upgrade, which is also in full swing, will include a learn to ride area to help younger riders hone their skills before taking on the pump track circuit.

Seating and sheltered areas, accessible toilets and connecting pathways are also included in the design.

The project is funded by the NSW Government through the Everyone Can Play and Resources for Regions grant programs, as well as development contributions.

The playground is expected to be completed in Spring 2024 and the Youth Hub late in the year.


2022 Rathmines master plan adopted
2021 Feasibility studies and community consultation
Design and approvals
Early 2024 Playground construction to begin
 Mid 2024 Youth Hub construction to begin
Spring 2024
Playground construction complete
Late 2024 Youth hub complete


Community consultation

In 2021, we sought feedback from the community on concept plan options for the youth hub. You can view the feedback atshape.lakemac.com.au.

Proposed site plan

Rathmines Playground - Concept.png

Frequently asked questions

What is a master plan?

A master plan is a long-term high-level plan intended to provide guidance for Council and the community on how to manage development and change over time.

What is a plan of management?

The Local Government Act 1993requires Councils to prepare Plans of Management (PoM) for all land classified as community land. All public land is required to be classified as either 'community land' or 'operational land'. The Local Government Act allows for one or more areas of community land to be covered by a single PoM. Some parcels, such as Rathmines, are covered by a specific PoM due to its significance.

What community consultation took place to develop the concept designs?

In April and May 2021, we asked the community for feedback on a draft concept design for the children's play area in Rathmines Park. We also sought input on the type of skate/BMX facility the community would like to see, replacing the existing facility. You can view the engagement summary here.

Two draft concept designs were developed for Rathmines youth hub, based on the initial community feedback. The community had the opportunity to provide feedback on these concept designs in late 2021.

Is Rathmines Park on the NSW State Heritage Register? 

Yes. Rathmines Park is an area with significant local and national historical value, recognised by its inclusion on the NSW State Heritage Register. The Rathmines RAAF seaplane base played a pivotal role in the defence of Australia in World War II. It was the largest seaplane base in the Southern Hemisphere and was the longest serving during the war effort.

Due to its history and probably because of it, Rathmines Park remains a unique site of public space on the lake foreshore. It is valued for not only its heritage, but also its community and recreational features and experiences.

How has the heritage of the site been considered?

The Rathmines Park Plan of Management and Master Plan were developed in accordance with the Rathmines Park Conservation Management Plan (CMP).  

The design of the skate park and youth hub will be consistent with the CMP and will draw on the unique heritage and aviation history of the site. The design of the facility is being guided by specialist heritage advice and will be subject to approval by Heritage NSW through a Section 60 application. 

Will the car park be improved as well?

Council has received a grant from Resources for Regions to build a car park in conjunction with the youth hub. A car park in this location was identified in the Rathmines Park Master Plan and will be delivered as part of this project.

Where will the youth hub be located?

Located across the road from Rathmines Theatre, and next to the Parade Ground, Rathmines youth hub will replace the existing skate bowl infrastructure. Situated on the corner of Dorrington Road and Stilling Street, it has existing road access to sports fields, and a new car park, which will be constructed as part of the project.

The concept designs align with the facility placement depicted in the Rathmines Park Master Plan.

When will the youth hub be constructed? 

Construction will take place in 2024 with completion expected late in the year.

What are the proposed features for the youth hub?

The Toronto Developer Contributions Plan provides funding for an upgraded skate park and pump track at Rathmines Park.  

Council has been successful in attaining further funding through the Resources for Regions Grant Program, which will enable delivery of some of the additional elements identified in the Rathmines Park Master Plan, including a multi-court.

Concept images below - final design subject to change

220722_Rathmines Youth Hub_Final Concept Report_Page_10_Image_0001.png

220722_Rathmines Youth Hub_Final Concept Report_Page_15_Image_0001.png

Who is Convic?

Convic are a multi-award-winning company specialising in skate park and youth space design. Convic has been engaged by Council to design the Rathmines youth hub.

When will Rathmines playground be constructed?

We expect construction will begin in late-2023 and be complete in early 2024.

What is proposed for the playground improvements? 

As part of the adopted master plan an upgrade to the current children’s playground area is planned. This area encompasses the current playground area, adjoining picnic area and two concrete pads.

The Toronto Catchment Contributions Plan includes funding for outdoor fitness equipment and an upgraded playground.   

A grant under the NSW Government's Everyone Can Play program has also been awarded and this will enable the delivery of additional inclusive play elements, shelters and pathways.

The new playground area will feature:

  • accessible amenities
  • fitness equipment
  • nature play area
  • adventure play area incorporating a large climbing structure
  • a Catalina-themed learn to ride area on the existing historic aircraft stores concrete pad
  • retention of the existing playground
  • priority pathways linking the car park to the playground, picnic facilities, amenities, fitness equipment and the broader path network.

Stay up to date

Review of Environmental Factors (REF)

Click here to read the Review of Environmental Factors (REF)(PDF, 89MB) for the Rathmines playground and youth hub project.


Corner Dorrington Road and Overhill Road, Rathmines 2283

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