Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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For more information on our draft North West Lake Macquarie Catalyst Area Place Strategy, visit shape.lakemac.com.au.
Taking in the suburbs of Teralba, Speers Point, Boolaroo, Cockle Creek, Argenton, Glendale and Cardiff, the North West Lake Macquarie Catalyst Area has the potential to attract 13,000 new residents to the area, unlocking 5200 new homes and 3000 additional jobs, creating an extra $6.3 billion of annual economic output for the region.
Discover the opportunities identified in the eight precincts of this catalyst area:
Lake Mac Central is a regionally significant urban landmark highlighting the city’s leading role in the economic diversification of the region and NSW. With excellent access to public transport, the surrounding natural environment and arts scene, the precinct has developed with diverse new businesses, residents and visitors from outside of Lake Macquarie.
Read more about our vision for Lake Mac Central in our draft North West Lake Macquarie Catalyst Area Place Strategy.(PDF, 12MB)
A future business and industry hub for Lake Macquarie and the Hunter region, with potential to sustain a significant number of new jobs and homes.
A separate place strategy will be developed for the Cockle Creek West Precinct. This will enable the unique challenges and opportunities associated with post-mining land renewal to be investigated and resolved.
The continued evolution of the shopping centre and Hunter Sports Centre provide a vibrant and diverse place for work and leisure. The precinct offers quality high-density housing with the natural beauty of Winding Creek providing an inviting natural space for residents and visitors. The precinct is well-connected to the surrounding areas by active and public transport routes.
Read more about our vision for the Glendale Retail and Sports Precinct in our draft North West Lake Macquarie Catalyst Area Place Strategy.(PDF, 12MB)
Paralympian Evan O'Hanlon training at Hunter Sports Centre
The Glendale-Argenton Renewal Precinct is a vibrant and attractive community featuring a range of affordable housing options. Public and active transport routes connect the precinct to education facilities, the Glendale Retail and Sports Precinct and recreation spaces.
Read more about our vision for the Glendale-Argenton Renewal Precinct in our draft North West Lake Macquarie Catalyst Area Place Strategy.(PDF, 12MB)
A commuter rides along the Speers Point-Glendale shared pathway at Argenton
Cardiff Advanced Industry Precinct is the leading destination for advanced manufacturing, technology, and co-working spaces in the region. It leverages its strategic location on the national transport and data networks to access markets at all levels. Munibung Road is a key transport corridor supporting vehicles, public transport and active travel within and beyond the precinct.
Read more about our vision for the Cardiff Advanced Industry Precinct in our draft North West Lake Macquarie Catalyst Area Place Strategy.(PDF, 12MB)
A vibrant pedestrian-friendly centre integrating with Cardiff train station forms the heart of the precinct. Excellent bus and rail connections, affordable and diverse, high-density housing, quality shops, services and recreation spaces continue to attract diverse residents and visitors. Winding Creek is an inviting recreation space that enhances the natural beauty of the area.
Read more about our vision for the Cardiff Mixed-use Precinct in our draft North West Lake Macquarie Catalyst Area Place Strategy.(PDF, 12MB)
Boolaroo and Speers Point are vibrant local centres that attract residents and visitors with their diverse offering of shops, services and housing that complement the local heritage character. The precinct is well-connected to the surrounding landscape and recreation areas. The ‘Creative Lake’ art trail extends from Speers Point to Boolaroo, transforming Main Road into a pedestrian and cycling-friendly street that showcases local art and culture.
Read more about our vision for the Boolaroo-Speers Point Precinct in our draft North West Lake Macquarie Catalyst Area Place Strategy.(PDF, 12MB)
The Multi-Arts Pavilion (MAP), mima in Speers Point Park
The retention and enhancement of the valued landscape and heritage character has created an attractive and unique place to live and visit. The local centre has a variety of shops and services that meet the day-to-day needs of residents and visitors. A mix of low-rise housing types, nestled below the vegetated ridges, supports a diverse community with excellent public and active transport links to the wider region.
Read more about our vision for Teralba in our draft North West Lake Macquarie Catalyst Area Place Strategy. (PDF, 12MB)