Naru Beach Reserve enhancement work

Naru Beach Swansea Channel and Elizabeth Island November 2022 (4).jpg

Naru Beach Reserve at Marks Point on the shores of Lake Macquarie is a special place. It has always been cherished by many but has become increasingly popular in recent years for young families and tourists seeking a pristine beach and child-friendly swimming area.  

Council is planning to seal the existing track and construct public amenities to better service users of the reserve.  

We are in the early stages of planning and approvals. 

Works update 

From Monday 16 November, engineers will survey the road reserve as part of the planning process for the works. The survey is expected to take up to two weeks to complete.  

The road survey will inform the detailed designs for the road.  

Following detailed design, we will seek relevant environmental assessments, permits and approvals before works can begin.  

We will keep the community informed as we progress through this project.  


20 Naru Street, Marks Point 2280

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