Martinsville Bridges Replacement project

Martinsville bridge upgrade before photo - March 2023-11.jpg

We’re replacing three bridges in Martinsville to improve safety for motorists and access for emergency services vehicles.

The northern area of Martinsville valley is home to about 50 semi-rural properties, all serviced by Owens Road.

Owens Road crosses two bridges known as ‘Bridge 227’ and ‘Bridge 228’ on the northern route.

All road traffic into the valley must cross these two bridges as they provide the only access route for residents, service and emergency vehicles.

Bridge 227 is a 6m span timber bridge over an unnamed creek which was repaired in 2016.

Bridge 228 is a 22m single lane timber bridge constructed in the 1900s. It was originally designed to carry light vehicles and provide access to the north branch of the Martinsville valley.

Replacement of two ageing bridges at Martinsville is one of the projects outlined in the new Operational Plan.jpg

Due to the increased loads of modern heavy vehicles and the natural weathering of exposed timber components, these bridges are now in a deteriorated state.

Despite an introduced load limit in 2019, and in the case of Bridge 228 propping works in 2020, the bridges’ have continued to degrade and no longer meet current standards.

Further north, Pointers Road connects four properties and a fire trail to Owens Rd.

Pointers Rd crosses Gap Creek via ‘Bridge 230’, a 9m single lane four span timber bridge, at the eastern end.

This bridge is currently on Crown land that is not owned by Council, where it has previously been maintained by local residents.

Council has been asked to take possession of Pointers Road, which will include responsibility for Bridge 230 which is also in a failed state. The acquisition is an ongoing process.

Council has appointed Daracon to lead the replacement works for the two bridges on Owens Road, and is working to appoint a contractor for the Pointers Road project.

The project is funded by the Australian Government’s Bridges Renewal Program, the NSW Government’s Restart NSW fund and Council.


  • Longer lasting, stronger bridge
  • Improving road user safety through wider travel lanes and improved approaches
  • Better access for emergency services vehicles
  • Reduced ongoing maintenance costs


  • 2019-2023: Investigation, options analysis, concept designs and funding applications completed
  • Late 2023: Tender released to market
  • February 2024 – Early 2025: Construction

Current works

Martinsville timber bridge Owens Rd April 2024.jpg

Council has appointed Daracon to lead the replacement of the two bridges on Owens Road.

Daracon began establishing a site compound adjacent to Martinsville Oval on Monday 5 February 2024, and began work on the bridges 12 February 2024.

Residents north of ‘Bridge 227’, including residents of Owens Road, Mahers Road, Tierneys Road, Horgans Lane, Slippery Rock Road, Pointers Road, and Escotts Lane, may be impacted by these works in the following ways:

  • Some construction noise at and around the works site during approved working hours (Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm and Saturday from 8am to 1pm).
  • Some dust is expected to be generated by the works; the contractor will have dust suppression measures in place to minimise the impact on residents.
  • Access through and around the bridges will be maintained throughout construction, however traffic management, including lights, will be in place from 12 February to ensure safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians. View the tab below for the traffic management plans. 

Traffic management plan

Access through and around the bridges will be maintained throughout construction, however traffic management, including lights, will be in place from 12 February to ensure safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

The traffic management plans can be seen below.

Site plan 1.JPG

Site plan2.JPG

Why do the bridges need to be replaced?

The existing bridges do not meet today's standards and require replacing for safety and access reasons. 


Will load limits still apply to the bridges?

No. The safety improvements to the two Owens Road bridges will allow two-way heavy vehicle flow, without any load limits in place.


Who will replace the bridges?

Council has appointed Daracon as the successful tenderer to lead the two bridge replacements on Owens Road. Daracon began establishing a site compound adjacent to Martinsville Oval on Monday 5 February 2024. Construction started on 12 February 2024.

Council is working to appoint a contractor to replace the bridge on Pointers Rd.

How is the heritage status of Bridge 228 being managed throughout the project?

Martinsville bridge before shots - March 2023-11.jpg

While Bridge 228 is listed as a local heritage item within the 2014 Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan, the deteriorating state of the bridge is a safety concern.

Council investigated a range of options to replace the bridge including maintaining the existing bridge; however, a full replacement of the bridge was determined to be the best option based on environmental impact, construction methodologies and cost.

Further repairs and rehabilitation of the timber bridge are no longer feasible or cost effective due to the extent of the deterioration.

Council’s preferred solution is to construct a replacement two-lane bridge over the footprint of the existing bridge.

Council is sensitive to the historical values of the structures and will consider opportunities for beneficial reuse of reclaimed bridge timbers during the planning process.

Council will also preserve a photographic record of the original bridge and has appointed a structural draftsman to re-create drawings of the original design.

Didn’t Council close Bridge 228 a few years ago to repair it?

In late 2020, load limits were introduced on the bridge that prevented waste collection and bus services and affected access for emergency services, including Rural Fire Service vehicles. Emergency strengthening works were undertaken to restore access for most essential services.

These strengthening works were temporary and do not provide sufficient capacity for heavy vehicles or meet Australian Standard specifications. The ageing bridge will be replaced with modern designs that meet current standards and allow for removal of the existing load limits.

The bridge provides critical access from Martinsville Rural Fire Service station to properties and fire trails to the north, prioritising its functionality. 

When is construction expected to occur?

Contractor Daracon began work on 12 February 2024, with an expected completion date in late 2024.

Will vehicle access be maintained during construction?

Vehicle access will be maintained on Owens Road, however there will be occasional interruptions to Pointers Road access during construction.

Contractors are required to submit their construction methodology as part of the tender process. Once the tender is awarded, Council will provide further information to the community about any additional construction impacts. 

Where will the workers set up during construction?

Daracon will establish a site compound in a grass area adjacent to Martinsville Oval from Monday 5 February 2024. 

Access to Martinsville Oval and adjacent amenities and playground facilities will not be affected during construction.

martinsville compound.png

Review of Environmental Factors (REF)

The Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for this project can be downloaded by clicking the link below.

Review of Environmental Factors(PDF, 46MB)