The dune enhancement program will see to the remediation of the dune fields at Redhead Beach, and will involve:
- the closure of informal tracks
- formalisation of suitable existing public access
- installation of dune formation fencing and
- revegetation with native coastal dune species.
Frequently asked questions
What's involved?
At Redhead Beach, works for 2024 involve reprofiling the frontal dune north of First Creek, followed by revegetation with 8,250 native coastal species planted to help stabilise the dune.
Why is it needed?
Vegetation communities naturally grow in sandy dune systems along the coastline. Vegetation on some coastal dunes have become degraded as a result of human activity and changing climates. Revegetation in exposed areas of the dune at Redhead will help to stabilise the dune, increase biodiversity, restore ecological health, and improve the resilience of the coastline which will help during storm events.
How long will the works take?
The works will take place over April and May 2024.
What native species will be planted along the dune?
The native species selected for this area includes two resilient ground covers which are pig face (Carpobrotus glaucescens) and dune fan flower (Scaveola calendulacea), as well as the low growing shrub coastal wattle (Acacia sophorae). These species are common on the frontal dunes of our local beaches and show resilience through harsh weather conditions.