Catherine Hill Bay Precinct Master Plan

Catherine Hill Bay October 2021 (4).jpg

Catherine Hill Bay is a unique and special place that combines important State listed heritage, environmental and social qualities. With a growing population and limited public infrastructure, there are key opportunities to plan for long-term needs.

The Catherine Hill Bay Precincts Master Plan (Precincts Master Plan) project responds to these needs by planning for two key land areas referred to as the Surf Life Saving Club Precinct (SLSC Precinct) and the Middle Camp Sports & Recreation Precinct (Middle Camp Precinct).

Following extensive community and stakeholder engagement, the Precincts Master Plan is intended to lead Council’s delivery of infrastructure across these sites over the next 10 years.

The plan will be delivered in four key stages:

Community Hub

This area is currently in detailed design and features:

  • community hub building
  • village green
  • play space

Future improvements to the oval and associated car park and sporting amenity building subject to demand for a local scale facility.

Surf Life Saving Club Precinct

To be designed in the future, this area will include:

  • a new Surf Life Saving Club building
  • pedestrian promenade and beach access
  • parking improvements
  • Pat Slaven reserve improvements.

Heritage Trail and Lookout

To be designed in the future, subject to future land access arrangements this area will include:

  • New heritage trail with bridge over Catherine Hill Bay Creek
  • Coastal walkway and lookout.

Graveyard Beach Access

To be designed in the future, subject to land access arrangements this area will include:

  • Graveyard Beach access road upgraded from Northwood Road
  • Parking areas adjoining the beach.

Heritage trail from Northwood Road south to National Park land part of existing planning approvals for Mining Camp residential development.


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Project timeline


Community consultation and master plan development.

September 2022

Precincts Master plan adopted by Council.

Late 2025

Detailed design and approvals for Stage 1 - Community Hub. 


Construction of Stage 1.


Detailed design of future stages.


As part of the development of the Catherine Hill Bay Precinct Master Plan, we undertook extensive community consultation. The final plan was adopted by Council in September 2022. 

Frequently asked questions

What is a master plan?

A master plan is a document that guides the management and future renewal of an area. It is a process that defines what is important about a place and how its character and quality can be conserved, improved and enhanced whilst providing for the facilities and services needed by the community and visitors to the area.

What area is covered in these master plans?

The Precincts Master Plan address two sites at Catherine Hill Bay, being the Sport and Recreation Precinct at Middle Camp and the Surf Life Saving Club Precinct.

The Precincts Master Plan is also an important component of a broader planning landscape.  It considers the proposed delivery of off-site public infrastructure under current development approvals for the Beaches Estate and Mining Camp residential development to the south and north of the existing villages respectively.  The Plan also considers long-term planning for Coastal tracks.

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Was there any community consultation undertaken as part of the master plan?

Three rounds of consultation were undertaken in the development of the Precincts Master Plan.

The focus of the initial consultation was to understand the values of the two precincts and how these areas can best meet the future needs of the community and visitors to the area. The process also sought to obtain initial ideas and directions which were developed into “concept plans” that formed a basis for the secondary consultation.

The focus of the secondary consultation was to test the ideas presented in the discussion paper and draft concept plan and to understand where improvements can be made prior to the Draft Master Plan being developed.

The final round of consultation was a final review of the plan before it was considered by Council for adoption.

What is included in the scope of the Catherine Hill Bay Sports and Recreation and Surf Life Saving Club precinct master plans?

The primary focus of the master plan is the provision of new and improved community, sport and recreation facilities including those identified in the Contribution Plans that suitably address the uniqueness and planning constraints of the area.

The Precincts Master Plan also explores with the community, opportunities to enhance the experience of those that visit the area.

Where is the project up to?

Council adopted the master plan in September 2022. Following site investigations, we are now undertaking detailed design and seeking necessary planning approvals for the Middle Camp Sports and Recreation Precinct. 

What funding does Council have to deliver the master plan proposals?

A level of funding has been identified in the Belmont Contributions Plan and draft North Wallarah Contributions Plan for:

  • a new play space and expanded sportsgrounds at Middle Camp
  • a new Surf Life Saving Building, associated parking and coastal reserve 
  • community space at either Middle Camp or as part of the new SLSC.  

The availability of funding will be dependent on the outcome of the final master plan and timing linked to delivery of residential development in the catchment.  Where additional funding is required, Council will seek funding through grants and other allocations as part of their broader planning processes and LGA wide priorities. 


02 4921 0333
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