Please report fallen trees or debris on roads to Council on 4921 0333. Please report fallen trees on property to NSW SES on 132 500.
Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, adjacent to Council's Administration Building.
Morisset is one of the fastest growing suburbs in the Hunter Region. It’s tipped to become home to an extra 12,000-plus residents within 20 years.
Infrastructure and land use planning that supports walking, assisted mobility, cycling and public transport are critical to ensuring Morisset is an attractive place to live and work.
We're planning for an upgrade to the intersection of Alliance Avenue and Wyee Road, Morisset to improve safety for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.
The NSW Government will contribute $2.5 million toward the project through the State Voluntary Planning Agreement Funding Program.
We are completing preliminary investigations and preparing designs for the project. Check back in the future for updates on the proposed timeline for the works.
The Morisset Development Contributions Plan adopted by Council in December 2012 was prepared to ensure adequate community infrastructure is provided to meet the growing population in the Morisset catchment area.
To manage increased traffic volumes, a traffic and transport study was undertaken, which identified several road projects would be required to meet increased demand. This included an upgrade of the Alliance Avenue and Wyee Road intersection.
The proposed intersection upgrade will:
We are completing preliminary investigations and preparing designs for the intersection upgrade and expect to have a detailed timeline for the works in the near future.