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01 November 2024, 12:00 AM
Notice is given under Section 3.36 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, that the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces has made Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014 (Amendment No. 52) effective 27 September 2024.
A summary of the Amendment is as follows.
Reclassification of the following Council owned sites from Community Land to Operational Land:
60-62 Main Road, Boolaroo
Lot 4 & 5 Section E DP3494
Part of 27C First Street, Cardiff South
Part Lot 30 DP196
48 Oakdale Road, Gateshead
Lot 20 DP1115790
62A Graham Street, Glendale
Lot 62 DP247342
20 Skye Street, Morisset
Lot 1 Section 12 DP758707
Rezone the following Council owned sites and make a range of associated zoning and development standard changes:
62A Graham Street, Glendale
Lot 62 DP 247342
Rezoned from RE1 Public Recreation to R2 Low Density Residential
Part of 20 Ruttleys Road, Wyee
Lot 495 DP755242
Rezoned from RU6 Transition to C4 Environmental Living
The above amendment is available for public inspection.
For enquiries, please contact Sara Young on 4069 0097 or by email [email protected].