Local Environmental Plan 2014 - 2022 Housekeeping amendment

No longer on display. Expired on 02 March 2023, 12:00 AM

Council has prepared a Planning Proposal for several properties which seeks to rezone and/or amend Schedule 4 of the Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014. The intent of the Planning Proposal is to reclassify the land from Community to Operational for the purpose detailed below. 

Reclassification only of the following Council owned sites from Community Land to Operational Land:

  • Item 1 - 60-62 Main Road, Boolaroo, Lot 4 & 5 Sec E DP 3494 – Proposed so Council can lease the land
  • Item 2 – Part of 27C First Street, Cardiff South, Lot 30 DP 196, South of Ada Street – Proposed for road dedication
  • Item 5 - 48 Oakdale Road, Gateshead, Lot 20 DP 1115790 – Proposed so Council can lease the land
  • Item 8 - 16 Skye Street, Morisset, Lot 1 Section 12 DP 758707 - Proposed for residential purposes to be sold or developed by Council.

Reclassification of the following Council owned sites from Community Land to Operational Land and make a range of associated zoning and development standard changes:

  • Item 3 – 27 First Street, Cardiff South, Lot 1 DP 190522 & 27C First Street, Cardiff South, Lot 30 DP 196, North of Ada Street – Proposed for road closure and possible future residential development.
  • Item 4 - 21 Narara Road, Cooranbong, Lots 4, 5, 6 & 7 Section O DP 724 – Proposed land swap with 33 Narara Road and possible future residential development.
  • Item 6 - 4a Clare Street, Glendale, Lot 103 DP 553828 – Proposed sale of land to adjoining owners
  • Item 7 - 62A Graham Street, Glendale, Lot 62 DP 247342 – Proposed for residential purposes to be sold or developed by Council.
  • Item 9 - 38 Alison Street, Redhead, Lot 50 DP 844457 - Proposed for residential purposes to be sold or developed by Council.

Rezone the following Council owned site and make a range of associated zoning and development standard changes:

  • Item 10 - 20 Ruttleys Road, Wyee, Lot 495 DP 755242 - Proposed for environmental living to be sold or developed by Council.

All the above land is owned by Council and accordingly the Minister will be the designated Local Plan Making Authority.

Exhibition: A copy of relevant information is available in the related information of this notice and will also be exhibited at the Council Administration Building, Main Road Speers Point, between business hours weekdays, 21 January 2023 to 1 March 2023. 

Submissions: Submissions will be received until the close of business on Wednesday 1 March 2023, via the following methods:

  • Directly through the Department of Planning portal, reference PP-2022-2811
  • email to [email protected], reference F2019/00233, or
  • post to Lake Macquarie City Council, Box 1906, HRMC NSW 2310

All political donations must be declared.

All submissions received by Council will be released upon request in accordance with the provisions of the NSW Government Information (Public Access) Act (2009).

Enquiries: Joanne Marshall 4921 0585 (Tues – Thurs) or Sara Young 4069 0097


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