Deputy Mayor Councillor Madeline Bishop (ALP)

West Ward

Councillor Bishop 2022.jpg

Cr Bishop was raised in Lake Macquarie and wants to be a voice for her local area, seeing positive growth to benefit future generations. In her professional life, Cr Bishop works as an educator for young people and those living with a disability.

Cr Bishop is a member of the Australian Labor Party and is the co-Women’s Contact for her union in the workplace. She has also served on the Lake Macquarie Awards Committee for the last three years and previously volunteered her time at Parents and Citizens Association meetings and sporting clubs, where she held executive positions. Since 2008 she has raised awareness and funds for brain cancer research and made submissions to the Select Senate Committee Inquiry into low survival cancers.

Cr Bishop has a strong interest in environmental issues, the arts sector, education and healthcare. She wants to see accessible public spaces and sustainable development in the city. She believes the unique landscape should be maintained as the local economy grows.

Committee Membership

  • Aboriginal Grants Committee
  • Heritage Committee
  • Events Funding Grants Assessment Committee
  • Access and Inclusion Advisory Panel
  • Cultural Collections Consultative Committee
  • Lake Mac Awards Committee
  • NSW Public Libraries Association

Postal address 

C/- Lake Macquarie City Council, Box 1906, Hunter Regional Mail Centre NSW 2310