Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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Cr Radcliffe is a lifelong resident of the Lake Macquarie City. She has over 20 years of experience as a special education teacher, which has fostered her deep commitment to the importance of education and youth-related issues, as well as their role in fostering connections within the community.
Cr Radcliffe is also dedicated to advocating for equitable access to public spaces and services throughout the city, along with promoting sustainable growth that enhances the city's offerings.
She is eager to contribute to the decision-making processes that shape the development of Lake Macquarie. Cr Radcliffe is committed to enhancing and nurturing our community for the benefit of both current and future generations, and she looks forward to collaborating with the Council and the community towards this goal.
Postal address
C/- Lake Macquarie City Council, Box 1906, Hunter Regional Mail Centre NSW 2310