Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
Cr Conroy is a registered nurse who has worked in both the public and private sectors, caring for people in both hospital and community settings. She has been involved in campaigns to deliver better services for the last 20 years. As a mum of two young children, Cr Conroy understands the need for quality services for our community, including recreational and cultural amenities.
Serving her second-term on Council, Cr Conroy is committed to a council that facilitates economic development while maintaining the natural environment. She believes that a key focus of council must be improving service delivery for all community members.
Furthermore, Cr Conroy recognises that the growth of Lake Macquarie must be accompanied by greater community facilities to be enjoyed by all.
Postal address
C/- Lake Macquarie City Council, Box 1906, Hunter Regional Mail Centre NSW 2310