Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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Cr Pauling is serving his fourth-term on Lake Macquarie City Council. In his professional life, Cr Pauling has maintained a strong career in the private sector holding degree qualifications in Science, Law, Management, Industrial Relations and the Environment.
In his role, Cr Pauling strives to support residents in their interactions with Council and provide a representative voice within local government. He committed to the most basic freedoms of democracy – the freedoms of thought, worship, speech and association.
The community advocate believes his ‘hands-on’ experience across a range of professions and industries brings a real-world perspective to his role as a councillor. He is committed to easing bureaucratic barriers and making it simpler for people to interact with Council.
Postal address
C/- Lake Macquarie City Council, Box 1906, Hunter Regional Mail Centre NSW 2310