Contact us
You can provide feedback or report an issue to Council using our online forms.
Report an issue Submit a compliment or complaint
Report fraud, corruption or wrongdoing Submit a privacy review
Customer Service Centre
Operating hours
Call Centre 8am-5pm
Face-to-face services are temporarily available at Speers Point Library, opposite the Administration Building. Visit us between 9am-4:30pm. Car parking is available at Speers Point Library.
02 4921 0333
Email |
Under the Government Information Public Access (GIPA) Act, incoming emails reporting issues to Council are recorded in our document management system and cannot be lodged anonymously. To anonymously lodge a request you can call us or submit a request through our online Report an issue tool.
Street address
Lake Macquarie City Council, Speers Point Library, 139 Main Road, Speers Point NSW, 2284
Postal address
Box 1906, Hunter Regional Mail Centre, NSW, 2310
After-hours emergencies
02 4921 0333 |
Works Depot
Operating hours
Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm
Phone |
02 4921 0333
Street address
18-32 Creek Reserve Road, Boolaroo, NSW, 2284 |
Relaying and interpreting services
National Relay Service
If you have a hearing or speech impairment, you can ask the National Relay Service to put you through to our Customer Service Centre on 02 4921 0333.
Depending on your needs, there are different relay call options:
Visit the National Relay Service website for more details.
Language support
If you don't speak English and need an interpreter to help you with information on our website, contact the Telephone Interpreting Service (TIS) on 131 450. They will be able to put you through to our Customer Service Centre on 02 4921 0333.
TIS is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Visit for more details.
Lake Macquarie City is culturally diverse, with more than 10 per cent of our population coming from other countries to live in Lake Macquarie. More than five per cent of our residents speak languages other than English as they settle into Australia. We are committed to helping ensure you understand local government matters and encourage you to have a conversation with us so we can meet your needs.
Media enquiries
Please contact Council's Communications team at for all Council media enquiries, to organise interview or request a comment.