Certificate III
You must hold at least a Certificate III level education and care qualification prior to commencing as a Family Day Care Educator.
Check your qualification is NQF approved
First Aid and CPR
You will need to hold a current First Aid and CPR qualification.
Your First Aid qualification must include training in the emergency management of asthma and anaphylaxis and must be renewed within every 3 years before it expires to remain current at all times.
Training in CPR must be undertaken within every 12 months before it expires to remain valid.
Search the approved qualifications list
Working with Children Check
All educators and adult residents (18 years or over) must hold a current Working With Children Check clearance at all times.
Appropriate clearances form part of determining if a person is 'fit and proper' to be in the company of children.
Family Day Care Educators require a 'Paid Worker' (Employee) check. Adult residents need a 'Volunteer' check. Both checks are the same, however there is a fee for the 'Paid Worker' check, and the 'Volunteer' check is free. WWCC clearances are valid for 5 years and must be renewed before the expiry.
WWCC clearances are required for all residents, even if they may have no or limited contact with the children.
We may also ask for a WWCC clearance for any adult who visits or stays on a regular or frequent basis or for a period of 3 weeks or more. (Regulation 10 - Child Protection (Working With Children) Act 2012)
Apply for your check
National Criminal History (Police) check
All adult residents must supply a National Criminal History (Police) check.
National Criminal History Checks are different from the WWCC. They each consider different offences.
Police checks must be no more than 6 months old prior to commencement.
Police checks need to be supplied for all child residents when they become 18 years old and are also required for visitors who may stay on a regular or frequent basis (as is applicable to WWCC).
You may obtain your Police Checks from any accredited body. Our National representative organisation - Family Day Care Australia provides National Police Checks with associated member benefits.
PRODA (Provider Digital Access)
PRODA is an online identity verification and authentication system. It is required to recognise you as an FDC Educator and identify who is providing care to children.
Please refer to the Child Care Task Card to register.
You will need accepted and valid Australian Government issued identity documents to complete registration.
Public Liability Insurance
It is a legal requirement that all FDC Educators maintain current adequate Public Liability insurance with a minimum cover of $10 million.
Your policy must address categories of public liability that may reasonably present a risk to the safety, health and well-being of children. At a minimum, policies must cover death of a child or adult, injury to a child or adult, or mistreatment of, or harm to, a child or adult (including abuse/molestation).
You may want to consider and explore options for
- Personal Accident Insurance for children
- Accidental Death cover
You may obtain coverage from any accredited insurer. Family Day Care Australia provide industry recognised FDCA Insurance.
Medical information
As a FDC Educator you have sole responsibility for children. It is essential that children are protected from potential harm or hazards at all times. Educators must be free from any medical condition, or reliance on medication, that may impair your ability to care for children.
We also need to establish that your own health or well-being will not knowingly be placed at risk in the Educator role.
You will need to consider personal immunisation protection (referring to the information in the 'Staying Healthy' resource as a minimum) and discuss this and the role with your Medical Practitioner and provide the 'Medical Information' form.
ABN, childcare fees and GST
In NSW, Educators are typically self-employed and regarded as Sole Traders by the Australian Tax Office (ATO) and are required to have an Australian Business Number (ABN).
Educators are able to determine your own fees and charges. You must provide a copy of your 'Fees, charges and conditions' schedule to all parents and the office. This forms the basis of your care agreement with families and the service.
Under the self-employed status engagement, educators are authorised to act as agents on behalf of Council and are responsible and become liable for collecting gap fee payments from parents/guardians. Legislation change will alter this arrangement from July 2025.
All gap fee payments collected from families must be paid by electronic funds transfer (EFT) transaction. Evidence of gap fee payments may be checked against bank statements.
Child Care services are "GST free". This means that you do not charge GST on fee income you earn from providing care. You may however be able to claim a GST refund on expenses you incur in running your FDC business. There are also many items that you may be able to legitimately claim as a tax-deduction.
We strongly advise that you:
- establish an independent banking account for managing your FDC-related income and expenses
- seek independent financial advice from a registered/certified practicing Accountant for managing your financial and tax obligations, and deciding if to register for GST
Register for an ABN
Business, insurance and WHS considerations
As a self-employed business operator, you will be responsible for managing your own business matters, including tax, superannuation, and compliance with WHS.
Your house and car insurer needs to be notified that you are running a small business, so that they may endorse your policy appropriately.
You may want to consider options for Business continuity and/or Income Protection insurances.
We strongly advise that you seek independent and financial professional advice on all aspects of operating your small business, including seeing a registered Accountant as a minimum.
Small business advice and support