Record under section 6(5) of the GIPA Act

Under section 6(5) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW) (GIPA Act), Council is required to maintain a record of open access information that it does not make publicly available on the basis of an overriding public interest against disclosure.

Pecuniary Interest Returns

Description of information redacted

Reasons for redaction under the GIPA Act

Real Property

Information of this kind is described by section 18(f) of the GIPA Act.

In each case, Council applies the public interest test and determines whether there is an overriding interest against disclosure of this information.

Council has determined for this category of information that disclosure could reasonably be expected to have the following effects:

Section 14, Table Item 3(a) and (f)

  • reveal an individual's personal information; and, if relevant
  • expose a person to a risk of harm or of serious harassment or serious intimidation.

This information would be reviewed for disclosure as events and circumstances change.

 Place of employment

Information of this kind is described by section 18(f) of the GIPA Act.

In each case, Council applies the public interest test and determines whether there is an overriding interest against disclosure of this information. Council has specific regard to considerations under subsection 58(2) of the Privacy and Personal Information Act 1998.

Council has determined for this category of information that disclosure could reasonably be expected to have the following effects:

Section 14, Table Item 3(a) and (f)

  • reveal an individual's personal information; and, if relevant
  • expose a person to a risk of harm or of serious harassment or serious intimidation.

This information would be reviewed for disclosure as events and circumstances change.