Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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If you disagree with a decision made in relation to a formal GIPA access application, you can apply for an internal review of that decision under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Your application for an internal review must be submitted to us within 20 working days after the notice of decision was provided to you.
If your GIPA access application was deemed refused, due to the decision not being made within the required time frame, you must submit your application for an internal review after the date the GIPA access application became overdue.
If more than one person is entitled to apply for a review, the review will commence 20 days after the initial decision was provided.
To submit your application, you will need to complete the Internal Review Application form(PDF, 89KB).
You may also wish to attach supporting documentation to assist the reviewing officer with the assessment of your application. This could include documents such as property owner’s consent, location map or photographs.
A $40 application fee is required to process your internal review application.
If you are applying for an internal review because your GIPA access application was deemed refused due to the decision not being made within the required time frame, no fee is applicable.
Once you have completed the internal review form, you can submit your application by email, post or in person.
For further information please contact our Customer Service Centre, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm, on 02 4921 0333 or email gipagroup@lakemac.nsw.gov.au to discuss your enquiry.
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