So much room for activities this summer holidays

Published on 21 December 2023

An inspiration piece for the Explore Our Great Outdoors photo competition, a beautiful shot of a Blue Bottle by Matty Smith. Photograph courtesy Matty Smith.jpg

Whether it’s discovering the city’s vibrant environment, having fun in and on the water, arts, crafts, learning to swim or getting your geek on, there’s something for everyone to enjoy in Lake Macquarie’s summer holiday activity guide.

A community photo competition will underpin an array of al-fresco events as part of the Explore Our Great Outdoors program, judged by renowned underwater photographer Matty Smith.

Mr Smith said he strove for innovation in composition and subject matter in his work and encouraged entrants to follow suit with their shoots for a chance at some epic prizes.

“In my photography I try to be creative, yet truthful to the subject,” he said.

“Try and tell an honest story with your picture, unique to how it's been shot before. I'm looking forward to seeing images that celebrate the natural world and encourage viewers to care about their environment.”

Explore Our Great Outdoors also features rockpool rambles, adventure kayaking, snorkel safaris, bush tucker demonstrations and more.

The summer fun isn’t limited to the outdoors; an introduction to role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons and fantasy map making will be held at Wangi Library, and there’s game making and hands-on science workshops at Sugar Valley Library Museum.

Video content creation and anime eye-drawing lessons are being offered at the Swansea SEEN Centre and a whole raft of craft workshops are in store at Lake Mac Libraries.

Lake Macquarie Manager Arts Culture and Tourism Jacqui Hemsley said families could be inspired by Joel Zika’s ‘Valley of a Thousand Plants’ exhibition and create their own kaleidoscopic 3D flower sculptures at the Multi-Arts Pavilion (MAP) mima, at Speers Point.

“The exhibit is a celebration of Lake Mac’s vivid ecological charm, and we’re excited for families to share in the blooming fun,” she said.

The Museum of Art and Culture (MAC) yapang, at Booragul, also has a host of artistic offerings, including artist-led printmaking with Emma Clifton, abstract wall sculpture workshops and Auslan guided free family art making sessions.

Visit for the full program of activities and for more information on the Explore Our Great Outdoors summer photo competition.