Slow down! School zones are back in force

Published on 31 January 2022

School zones back in force as kids return to school.jpg

Kids will launch back into study for the start of another school year tomorrow and Lake Macquarie City Council is urging motorists to take extra care when driving, as 40 km/h school zone speed limits come back into effect.

Acting Manager of Environmental Regulation and Compliance Jock Graham said while school zones are one of the safest places on the road network, they are not immune to accidents.

“Mornings and afternoons can be a very busy time for families and commuters but slowing down and scanning the roads, especially around vulnerable children, is essential to keeping our community safe,” Mr Graham said.

“It’s also important that drivers be wary of where they’re allowed to park. No stopping areas provide drivers with a clearer view when scanning for potential hazards, which keeps children and pedestrians away from harm.”

These include:

'No Stopping’ zones - you must not stop your vehicle at any point on the road or kerb, unless in an emergency.

'No Parking’ zones – You must not park on a road or areas where there is a ‘No parking’ sign. You may stop in a No Parking zone for a maximum of two minutes and stay within three metres of your car, but only to pick up or set down your child and drive off as soon as possible.

‘Bus Zone’ – This area is for buses only. You are not allowed to stop your vehicle in this area.

‘Mobility Parking’ - Only vehicles transporting a current Mobility Parking Scheme (MPS) permit holder can park in areas displaying a mobility parking sign. The MPS permit must be displayed in the parked vehicle. MPS permit holders must comply with the conditions of use of the MPS permit.

Pedestrian and children’s crossings – When approaching a pedestrian crossing, you should drive at a speed that allows you to slow down and stop before the crossing.

Council staff are patrolling local schools and issuing fines for breaches and offences to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all school students, particularly younger children.