Proposal plans to put Lake Mac business in the frame

Published on 07 March 2023

Controls on A-frame signs in Lake Mac will be altered under a Council proposal.jpg

Businesses in Lake Mac will be able to promote themselves more effectively under a plan to cut the red tape surrounding ‘A-frame’ footpath signs on commercial zoned land.

Lake Macquarie City Council Strategic Land Use Planning Coordinator Iain Moore said the proposed Local Environmental Plan amendment would add A-frame signage on footpaths to a list of ‘exempt development’.

The move is in line with the recently adopted Local Approvals Policy, which improves existing controls for mobile vendors and outdoor dining businesses operating on public land.  

“It means business owners will no longer have to obtain development consent to place an A-frame sign on footpaths outside their stores provided they are located within a commercial zone and meet various criteria” Mr Moore said.

Those criteria control elements such as A-frame size and location, and the need to remove the signs when the business is closed.

“Until now, A-framed signs have been placed across Lake Mac in a fairly ad hoc manner. A lot of business owners probably don’t even realise they are meant to seek approval for their use from Council.”

“These changes would mean businesses can place an A-frame sign in front of their premises without needing to obtain development consent. That would, free them up to better promote themselves to passers-by.”

Lake Macquarie Mayor Kay Fraser said the proposed change aligned with Council’s intent on promoting, supporting and nurturing business in the city.

“Many shops and stores likely to use A-frame signs are small, family-owned businesses that need our support,” she said.

“If we can make it easier for them to operate, then that has to be a good thing.”

The proposed change is on public exhibition until 3 April.

Go to for more information and to make a submission.