Major improvements planned for Morisset Showground

Published on 30 May 2022

Manager Assets Management Brendan Callander on Morisset Showground's main arena.jpg

Morisset Showground will be revamped to cater for more community events, ‘grey nomad’ tourists and increased bushwalking and other informal activities under a draft Council plan.

The Draft Morisset Showground Plan of Management and Master Plan now on public exhibition aims to guide future use and development of the 20ha site, which hosts the annual Morisset Lake Macquarie Agricultural Show, Christmas carols, monthly markets and occasional large-scale events.

Lake Macquarie City Council Section Manager Community Assets Brendan Callander said short, medium and long-term actions outlined in the draft document would help the site cater for the area’s growing population, and increasing demand.

“This is a site with so much potential,” he said.

“It’s less than one kilometre from the heart of Morisset, it’s close to the train station, and its multi-purpose facilities and open spaces cater to a wide range of community events and activities.”

“The draft Plan of Management and Master Plan provides a framework for the continued celebration of the Showground’s history and use, and sets out the process to deliver modern facilities and enable activities that meet the needs of both the local community and visitors from further afield.’

Under the plan, the showground oval, also known as Neville Frost Oval, would be upgraded, including new spectator areas and event lawns.

A new showground building with pavilions and function and community spaces would provide for existing and potential events and activities, including the annual show, equestrian events, festivals and markets.

Currently, the showground site includes 40 camping spaces.

The draft plan suggests creating a larger tourist camping precinct on the existing Les Norris Oval, with new amenities, a camp kitchen and other infrastructure.

“We want to continue to improve the experience for visitors,” Mr Callander said.

“This will provide the facilities they require, and help separate the camping area from other onsite events.”

Mr Callander said community consultation undertaken during development of the draft plan revealed a strong desire to increase informal community use of the site.

“Passive recreation was a theme that kept coming up during consultation,” he said.

The draft plan includes improved pedestrian to and within the site , and an Aboriginal interpretive walking trail including a new lookout with views to the Watagans through bushland to the south, connecting with the multi-purpose centre and community garden.

“This will be a gradual transformation, increasing Morisset Showground’s usability and attractiveness, improving facilities and ensuring it’s a place that is relevant and respected for many years to come,” Mr Callander said.

The draft plan is on exhibition until 7 July. Go to to have your say.