Our Customer Service Centre is temporarily located at Speers Point Library, opposite Council's Administration Building.
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Published on 01 October 2024
Find out the operating arrangements for Lake Macquarie City Council facilities and services for this Labour Day long weekend.
There are no changes to waste, recycling or green waste collections. Bins will be serviced as usual.
Charlestown 7am-6pm
Speers Point 7am-5pm
Swansea 7am-5pm
West Wallsend 7am-3pm
Morisset 9am-3pm (contractor operated)
Toronto 8am-4pm (contractor operated)
Lake Mac Libraries, kawumalyikilba
Closed Monday 7 October
Open for self-access for inducted members from 7am-7pm:
For urgent Council issues, please contact us on 4921 0333.