Lake Mac hosts the largest clean up in the Hunter

Published on 06 March 2022

A witches hat, car filter and soccer ball were among the items collected in the clean up.jpg

Tyres, car seats and wooden pallets were among the 2.9 tonnes of rubbish collected across Lake Mac for Clean Up Australia Day.

The mammoth effort saw thousands of volunteers work across more than 75 sites – the highest number registered in any local government area in the Hunter region.  

Lake Macquarie Mayor Kay Fraser, who joined clean-up efforts at Redhead on Sunday, said she was thrilled to see the community rallying together to help the environment, despite the wet weather.

“It’s fantastic to see people of all ages and walks of life helping to beautify and preserve our landscape,” Cr Fraser said.

“Unfortunately, littering and illegal dumping is still an issue across Lake Mac and we’re calling on all residents to do the right thing by putting their rubbish in the bin, and taking larger items to our Awaba Waste Management Facility.”

The 75 sites were registered across the city’s foreshore, bushland, beaches and parks.

Dudley Public School Parents and Citizens member Robin Simpson said around 30 volunteers helped clean a 1.4 kilometre stretch.

“We were able to collect six bags of rubbish which was mainly plastic wrapping, cigarette butts and polystyrene,” Ms Simpson said.

“The little ones really loved the hands-on experience and we hope that it teaches them healthy habits for life.”

Redhead Sustainable Neighbourhood Group site leader Paul Hubbard led a dedicated team around Redhead Beach.

“There’s a lot less rubbish here than previous years which is good to see,” Mr Hubbard said.

“However, we are finding a lot of micro plastics which are small bits of plastic bottles and that type of thing which isn’t healthy for the marine life.”

Lake Macquarie City Council Manager Community Partnerships Andrew Bryant congratulated the Lake Mac community on its efforts and encouraged local volunteers to help preserve the environment year-round.

“I urge residents to take a look at the amazing sustainability programs on offer here at Lake Mac to help build on the weekend’s efforts,” Mr Bryant said.

A number of clean-up events, including those at Warners Bay, Rathmines and Cameron Park, were postponed due to the wet weather.  

Those details can be found at

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