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Published on 10 September 2024
Bush fire season is a time for everyone to exercise care and caution, and to be aware of bush fire activity in your area. With three quarters of Lake Macquarie City identified as bush fire prone, being prepared for any emergency is your best defence.
Getting ready for a bush fire is easier than you think. Make a bush fire survival plan so you know what you will do if there’s a fire near you. Here’s just a few things to help you be emergency ready:
To help you prepare, the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) hosts Get Ready Weekend events every September, providing valuable information and resources to ensure you're ready for the upcoming bush fire season.
Contact your local RFS brigade to learn more about the Get Ready Weekend events happening near you.
Find out more at Get Ready Weekend 2024 - NSW Rural Fire Service.
For useful resources on how to prepare your bushfire survival plan, visit the NSW Rural Fire Service website.