Housing in focus at Council meeting

Published on 02 December 2024

Fernleigh Awabakal Shared Track progress  October 2023-1.jpg

A new seniors housing development to help meet the needs of over 55s across Lake Macquarie City was endorsed by Council at tonight’s Standing Committee meeting. 

The development at 39 Thompson Street, Belmont South, comprises of independent living units within two separate residential flat buildings of three and four storeys.

“The development will provide 32 independent living units, helping to meet the needs of seniors in our community,” Mayor Adam said.

“It will also include 43 car parking spaces, bike storage, communal areas, and landscaping, all designed to improve the quality of life for residents.”

Councillors also approved rezoning 1 Progress Road, Mount Hutton from a low-density residential zone to a local centre zone, allowing for the expansion of the existing local centre through commercial development.

“Its central location near residential areas, excellent accessibility via active and public transport networks and minimal biodiversity impact make it an ideal choice,” Mayor Adam said.

The demolition of structures at 63-71 Main Road, Boolaroo was approved, making way for the construction of a three-story building catering to businesses, retail and childcare services with two levels of basement car parking.

Councillors recommended the draft Teralba Reserve Plan of Management go on public exhibition.

The draft plan seeks to preserve the values and heritage of the new public reserve at 66 Pitt Street, Teralba, ensuring the site meets community needs and appropriate management actions are implemented.

The reserve includes a playground and an historical cemetery.

Councillors also made the decision to hold a Councillor workshop, prior to considering the Housing Diversity Planning Proposal at a future Council meeting in early 2025.

The full agenda and reports are available at meeting agendas and minutes.

The stream of tonight’s meeting will be available online at lakemac.com.au within 48 hours.