Hooey Street closed due to landslip

Published on 11 April 2024

Catherine Hill Bay Hooey St landslip 10 April 2024-5.jpg

Hooey Street, Catherine Hill Bay, is temporarily closed to vehicles due to a landslip.

Council was alerted to the issue on Friday 5 April following a weather incident which led to the failure of a retaining wall.

Crews have implemented interim measures to make the area safe while we design and construct a more permanent solution.

This will require geotechnical investigations, designs, and approvals from relevant authorities which will take some time to complete.

For the ongoing safety of the community, Hooey Street will remain closed.

Pedestrians can still access the ‘Moonee Beach Track’ from the eastern side of the street.

The site is being managed for safety until permanent repairs can be undertaken.

Council is investigating the extent of storm event damage to other public infrastructure throughout the city.

Council will seek financial assistance under the NSW Natural Disaster Relief Fund arrangements to provide relief measures.