Hazard reduction burn - Dudley

Published on 10 September 2024

The Knoll HR.JPG

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and Fire and Rescue NSW are planning hazard reduction works at Awabakal Nature Reserve, near Dudley on Wednesday 11 September (weather permitting).

The map above is an indication of the general burn area and boundaries are not precise. 

It will be a few days before smoke clears from the site and the area re-opens.

NPWS will provide scheduling updates for the hazard reduction on a Variable Message Board located on Ocean Street near the intersection with Redhead Road. The public can also monitor the NSW Hazards Near Me app for updates on the status of the burn once it has commenced.

The area proposed to be treated consists of approximately seven hectares and is situated in Awabakal Nature Reserve near the Knoll Avenue and the southern end of Ocean Street, Dudley.

Please note the Awabakal Nature Reserve affected by the hazard reduction and associated trails will be closed whilst burning is underway to protect public safety and ensure effective fire operations.

The burn area itself will be closed for a number of days following until it has been assessed as safe and any tree hazards managed. All visitors are asked to respect park closure signage. All closures will be posted on the NPWS website.

If you have any enquiries about the fire management works being undertaken within the conservation reserves in your area, please contact NPWS at npws.lowerhunter@environment.nsw.gov.au or on 02 4946 4100 during business hours.

Resident Responsibilities:

  • PREPARE YOUR PROPERTY NOW: Fire fighters require your help. In order to conduct this essential work, residents immediately adjacent to the burn area are required to conduct property maintenance. Your property should be maintained to reduce the risk of embers causing damage.

  • Clear vegetation and leaf litter away from assets such as fences, storage containers, sheds, power poles and machinery. Maintain a clear area near combustible materials such as wood piles.

  • Maintain an area of mown grass around residential dwelling & buildings, and clear gutters of leaf debris. 

As the burns will generate smoke, hot embers and heat, it is important that you consider the following safety precautions:  

  • Keep doors and windows closed to prevent smoke entering homes 

  • Keep outdoor furniture under cover to prevent ember burns

  • Retract pool covers to prevent ember damage 

  • Remove washing from clotheslines 

  • Ensure pets have a protected area 

  • If you have asthma or a lung condition, reduce outdoor activities 

  • If you are driving a vehicle, slow down, keep windows up and turn headlights on 

  • If smoke levels are high and if shortness of breath or coughing develops, take your reliever medicine or seek medical advice 

  • Never fly drones or Remote Piloted Aircraft near bush fires or hazard reductions, where other aircraft may be operating (penalties apply) 

Hazard reduction is an important part of preparing for bush fires. It helps protect people, property and the environment. 

To stay up to date with hazard reduction activities in your area, download the Hazards Near Me app, visit the NSW Rural Fire Service web site www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/hr or call the Bush Fire Information Line on 1800 NSW RFS (1800 679 737).