Festivals help Lake Mac live smarter together

Published on 17 September 2023

Thousands flocked to Speers Point Park for Saturday's Living Smart Festival.jpg

Saving the planet and embracing multiculturalism were top of the agenda in Lake Macquarie on the weekend as two of the city’s biggest annual events went back-to-back.


Thousands of people flocked to Speers Point Park on Saturday for the Living Smart Festival, where War on Waste presenter Craig Reucassel talked about the small things people could do to make a big difference to the environment.


The day also included sustainability-themed panel talks, presentations, workshops and demonstrations, from permaculture to First Nations art and craft.


A school garden bed competition proved a hit, as did a native plant giveaway, with thousands of native seedlings handed out to Lake Mac residents.


Sustainability Engagement Coordinator Chris Harle said the fine weather helped boost crowd numbers.


“It’s wonderful to host an event like this, promoting sustainability and demonstrating how the things we do at a local level can have a global impact,” she said.


Sunday saw Speers Point Park transformed for the Living Together Festival, a celebration of multiculturalism in the community.


The day included live music, dancing, cooking and storytelling from across the globe, as well as a talk exploring the Voice to Parliament and upcoming referendum.


Clear skies also proved a bonus for Saturday night’s Feast for the Senses, a sunset dinner beside the Multi-Arts Pavilion, mima, featuring live music and food cooked by food rescue charity OzHarvest.